Former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday criticized the BJP’s election manifesto, calling it a “Jumla Patra” (a document of false promises) and urged the Union Home Minister Amit Shah to focus on the security of the residents rather than jumlas. He questioned the BJP’s pledge to provide 50,000 jobs in a city with a population of 2.5 crore, calling it insufficient and dismissive of the city’s needs.
“Delhi doesn’t need hollow promises; it needs lakhs and crores of jobs,” Sisodia said, adding that the HM should prioritize the safety and security of Delhi’s residents, especially women and traders, instead of making superficial claims.
Commenting on the press conference by Amit Shah, Sisodia said, “In your press conference, you hurl abuses at Arvind Kejriwal, but let me remind you, he has a proper plan to provide employment to the Delhi’s youth. During and after COVID, to help Delhi recover, Arvind Kejriwal created over 12 lakh jobs. Delhi requires lakhs and crores of jobs and you only talk about 50,000 jobs. You are accepting your defeat in Delhi, and still lying about jobs but at least show some sincerity towards this.”
He added that the HM promised to remove sealing on shops. “Who has been sealing shops for the past 20 years? Who has been snatching the livelihoods of poor shopkeepers? For the last 20 years, and especially in the past 5–7 years, BJP leaders have been at the forefront of sealing shops.”
The former deputy CM claimed, “In Jangpura, the constituency I am contesting from, BJP was responsible for sealing shops in Lajpat Nagar. Due to AAP’s leaders and their protests, the sealing was finally removed. BJP was sealing shops in Lajpat Nagar, and now in their manifesto, they are promising to remove the sealing. Why did they seal shops 20 years ago in the first place? Why did their leaders orchestrate sealing for extortion?”
Manish Sisodia said, “Amit Shah claimed that they will provide insurance for lawyers. It seems either Amit Shah has forgotten or his team hasn’t briefed him, Arvind Kejriwal has already provided insurance to Delhi’s lawyers. Delhi’s lawyers are happy with the Arvind Kejriwal government and are benefiting from it. When they already have the original Arvind Kejriwal model, why would they accept your duplicate ideas?”
Drawing similarities with AAP’s manifesto, Sisodia alleged, “You know very well that a BJP government is not going to be formed. So, you are merely copying and pasting Arvind Kejriwal’s promises. You keep cursing Arvind Kejriwal in your press conferences, but in the end, you are the promising works he has already done.”
In response to a media question about the CM face of BJP, Sisodia said, “The BJP hasn’t even announced their own Chief Ministerial candidate for Delhi. Instead, they are making frivolous comments about the AAP. The must BJP dispel who is their CM face? Amit Shah, you should have come to the press conference and said, ‘This is the BJP’s face for Delhi’. But BJP is not doing this because they know they have already lost. At least, Amit Shah should have announced BJP’s CM candidate for Delhi.”